Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I hope you are having a good day. Tonight I would like to talk about politics. No I am not asking you to change your political beliefs. Nor am I asking to believe what I believe. But something very important is happening right now, and I feel that it is very important to be discussed.This is a beginning of a series of blogs about the conventions. I will seek to bring you argument from both sides of the political landscape.

. Overall the next couple of weeks, the two major political parties will be hosting their respective conventions. This is a time for individuals of different beliefs can engage in debate about what is best for America. I had to be honest, I'm a little bit disappointed to with the state of political debate in this country. It seems like both the political parties are attacking one another, and not focusing on the real issues. The Democrats say that the Republicans have lost touch with reality. That the Republicans don't really care about America. That Barack Obama is the hope and change that we need. And now the Republicans saying that the Democrats have damaged America in some way..

I am embarrassed with what I see from the current state of politics. To be quite honest, I like some stuff that the Democrat bring to the table, and I like some stuff that the Republican bring to the table. For the record, I am not affiliated with any of the two major parties.

This is a important time for America. I believe that we need to stop attacking one another, and give solutions to solve America's problems. Attacking someone, without giving solutions is not an acceptable. We need a renewed solutions, not attacks.

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