Saturday, September 24, 2011

This is not acceptable

Hello folks I hope everything is going okay. It has been definitely on long time since I've last blogged. School has been very busy. I have been doing some traveling. I also have been givensome presentation. I gave a presentation today to a group of individuals that provide support to individuals with disabilities. Most of these people are family members of individuals with disabilities. The presentation went very well. I also had the opportunity to go to a presentation by one of my colleagues who is a student at the University of South Florida. The topic was on sexual health for individuals with developmental disability. Focusing on individuals with the autism spectrum disorder. this is a topic that I am very familiar with, or so I thought. I found something that was very surprising, there is a high prevalence of sexual abuse of individuals with a developmental disability. So high that I have been questioning the statistics that was talked about in the presentation. I am not saying that statistic is wrong. I am saying it is a problem that has not been brought to my attention.
I am a mental health professional. I recognize the impact that sexual abuse has on individuals. As a mental health professional, I do not find it acceptable to tolerate any type of abuse. As a disability advocate, I feel the same way. The presentation menu recognize the importance of having knowledge about trauma.
Individuals with DD need to have access to reliable information on sexual health. Having access to this type of information will prevent sexual abuse. We need to recognize that sex is normal or of life. This is any type of sexual abuse is something that will never be accepted. Being in this presentation has made me want to explore this issue. This will not bring my last blog on this topic. I know as a disability advocate, and a mental health professional I can not stand silent. This is not acceptable.