Monday, December 17, 2012

The need for peace

On Friday, I was getting ready to go to supervision after my 1 o'clock session. I was speaking to my colleague Teresa, who stated that there was a school shooting in Connecticut. I was very shocked like I am always with events like these. Over the next several hours, we would discover just how massive this was. Many of the individual that died on Friday were kids. Kids ages of my nieces and nephews. I think everyone is in shock about this tragedy.

Only the past couple days I have been struggling with how to respond to the senseless tragedy. I find that writing is a way to make sense of this. In the office today, I figured how I wanted to respond. I knew that we need peace in society. Peace is absolutely necessary. Violence does not solve problems. We need a society that promotes peace and forgiveness for all. Now I do not know what was going through this individual mind on Friday. I do know that this individual was deeply disturbed.

I don't want to get into a debate about gun control. I feel uncomfortable with talking about the subject, because I do not know enough. But what I will say is something has to be done. Violence has never been a way to solve conflicts protectively. There has to be a better way then all while violence. I am praying for the victims of this tragedy. I am praying for peace in Newtown Connecticut.

As always I would appreciate any feedback you have about this blog.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The process of writing

I remember clearly distinctively having a conversation with a colleague of mine about the stresses of this profession. She is someone that I respect, and who is a trusted friend and colleague. At the time I was having difficulty managing my own stress at my job as a counselor. I believe I was a student at the time. She suggested that I write my thoughts and ideas down on paper. Ever since that time writing has it been a refuge for me. It has been a way to relieve stress and anxiety from my day-to-day life. Music also does the same thing for me. However, this blog is not about music that is about writing our thoughts and feelings. I choose to write because it alleviates my day-to-day anxiety.
I am not always felt this way. I remember a time when I used to hate to write. I’m a member time well I would have to receive help to write my thoughts and ideas down. I used to struggle with writing. Over the past couple of years, writing has given me a outlet to express my thoughts and feelings. It has been very useful to me, and especially when having problems with my job.
I hate to admit, but I have not done this much writing and I like to over the past couple of months. Initially I thought it would because I was too busy. Now I am beginning to see that my writing has a direct correlation between how stress I am. The past couple of months has been very stressful for me as a professional. Do not get me wrong, I am having the time of my life. However, the type of walk that I am doing does it generate some stress.
I came to this conclusion, a couple of weeks ago when I took my vacation for Thanksgiving. The weeks before Thanksgiving, having been very stressful. I was dealing with a lot of very complex client issues, and that need to be addressed. I think it is important for me to find effective ways to alleviate stress and anxiety. I recognize that I have not been doing writing, as a way to do this. If I am going to be able to be in the profession for the long haul, I must find ways to cope with stress. I am making a commitment to you that I will be trying to write more on a weekly basis. I think it is important to give my perspective on counseling and disability advocacy.
So to sum up, why is it that I write? Writing is a outlet to get my thoughts and ideas out to a public audience. Writing is a way for me to alleviate stress. Writing is away from me to document what is going on in life for me. I hope to continue to share with you my personal thoughts about counseling, about life and disability advocacy.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

We need to do more: children living in nursing homes in the state of Florida

Individuals with disabilities have the right to live in the community with supports. This is something that I believe with all my heart and soul. I have spent most of my adult life, advocating for this right. There has been a series of deaths that have happened of children who live in nursing homes. Why do they live in nursing homes? The state says that this is the best option for them.

I absolutely believe that this is a flawed argument. Individuals with disabilities have the capability of living in the community with support. Especially those with more complex disabilities, that may need constant assistance. This is not the 1960s, where individuals with disabilities are just put away in a institution with somebody that doesn’t care for them. I argue that families know what it’s best for individuals with disabilities. We need to do everything that we can to support families with very complex support needs. We need to do everything we can to support individuals in the community in which they live.

I argue for the elimination of this practice. Now the state of Florida says that this issue is about parental choice. I disagree with this statement. I believe that all parents of individuals with disabilities wants what is best for them. They are struggling with a flawed system, trying to do what is best for their son or daughter. Some of them have been placed in a corner, and may have been forced to place them in a nursing home. This practice is not acceptable. We need to do everything that we can to support these vulnerable families. Families know what is best for their sons or daughters. The system must do everything that they can to empower and support families that want to keep their sons and daughters in the community.

I felt like I must apologize. I live the past couple of months I have been not watching out for individuals that often do not have a voice. I am a individual that is supposed to be a advocate for those that do not have a voice. I am actively involved in these self advocacy movement. I vowed to do more friends. I encourage each and every one of you to do more.