Saturday, December 10, 2011

I need help with a definition of something

yes everyone I am still alive. This semester is done, and I began my final semester of graduate school in rehabilitation and mental health counseling. I can't believe that I am about be done. It seems like only yesterday that I began my graduate studies. So I have been thinking a lot about something, and I need you guys help.

So right now I am a meeting of self advocates, will I am a speaker at this meeting. I am having a ball. I have listened to a lot of individuals that have a complex disabilities by societies standards. Some people might say that they have a severe disability. The question that I have been struggling with is, what is the definition of a complex disability? How do we define this?.

I have some more my friends that work with individuals that have a severe mental illness. I believe that we can define a disability by, the level of complexity. I'm believe that when we define a individual by the level of complexity, then we are treating them as a individual that needs to be taken care of. I believe that we need to treat people as people. We don't need to define them by the artificial level of disability that society has given them. This goes for individuals with all different types of disabilities.

My only advice, to my friends in the mental health profession is, instead of saying that an individual has a complex disability , say that individual has some differences that must be addressed. We need believe that we can help all individuals. All individuals, regardless of their differences should have access to the same level of services that we provide .

1 comment:

  1. its difficult to medically diagnose "some differences that must be addressed"
