Thursday, May 26, 2011

listen and do not judge

I have been trying to come up with topics for this blog. I have been asking my friends about what they would think would be a good idea for blog topics. There have been very helpful. I will be using many of their ideas. This process of coming up with ideas for my blog, has had me thinking about about giving people advice. I was looking for people to give me advice on how I should proceed with my blog. When I was beginning my training as a mental health professional, I assumed that giving people advice would be part of my job. I have come to understand, if I give people advice I would not be a very good mental health professionals. As a mental health professional I believe that listening is better than giving people advice. Sometimes you have to be quiet, and let the other person talk without judgment to make any real progress in the counseling relationship. I have been surprised with the type of the information that I was able to get by just sitting back, and listening to my client. To be honest, I do not know where this blog is going, but thinking about the writing process of this blog has reminded me of two very important things. Do not give advice to your clients in most circumstances, always listen to people you will be surprised with how the counseling relationship will develop.

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