Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Okay I understand now: transportation

Hey folks, it has been a while since I posted to my blog. However I feel like I have a article that I want to discuss with you guys. Among many of my professional titles, I consider myself a disability advocate. Most of this advocacy has been around in the area of community living and employment of individuals with disabilities. I remember having a conversation with Nancy Chapman, about my disability advocacy activities. Actually this was a series of conversations. One thing that Nancy always said to me, was think about transportation for individuals with disabilities. Okay so I have not always thought about the issue of transportation for individuals with disabilities like Nancy suggested. I have not always thought about this in my own advocacy, until now.

On October 8 the bus system in the Tampa Bay area went under some significant changes. I knew that these changes were about to happen, but I didn't really think of the impact it would have on my community. My roommate Stephanie relies on public transportation to get around. I sometimes take public transportation to get around. However my roommate takes specialized transportation services sponsored by the public transportation system because she uses a wheelchair. She has that been employed at a local community mental health agency for a while. On October 8 the public bus system eliminated a stop at that agency. Luckily she was able to be grandfathered in, however if she wasn't she would have no way to get to the job that she has. I find this totally unacceptable. She provides a much needed services in the Tampa Bay area. She is one of the best mental health I know and she has every right to get will see need to go.

My roommate Stephanie is not the only one. More individuals with disabilities have been impacted by the recent changes. There has been a bus route that has been eliminated at a major disability services provider. There was now no services at the University of South Florida. Some of my clients have been impacted to, limiting their ability to get to their jobs. This madness has to stop. I feel like I have no choice but to give my voice to increased access in the bus.

If individuals with disabilities can't get to the job that they choose or can't get access to critical public transportation services then they can't live in the community that they choose. Over the next couple of weeks I will be finally doing what Nancy has told me to do, which is to advocate for public transportation. I am planning to speak at the next board of County commissioners meeting. I will be writing my elected representatives and I will be continuing to push for more accessible transportation for individuals with disabilities. I hope that you would join me in.

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